Digital Advertising

Generate qualified leads right now. Paid ads are the fastest route to supporting your short-term goals.
Paid advertising platform

Get leads fast

Why digital advertising?

Precise targeting
LinkedIn Ads allows you to target based on demographics like job title and company size. Google paid search allows you to target contacts based on the search query they are using, which can indicate intent. 

Instant ROI
A campaign with a compelling CTA can generate quality leads instantly. You can also plug gaps in search engine visibility for key terms with paid search ads, while you wait for organic content to rank.

Suitable for a variety of objectives
The options for paid ads are vast - you can leverage this to support a range of business goals simultaneously, whether it's data acquisition, nurturing prospects or positioning your brand as a thought leader. 

What's the best fit for you?

Main B2B Advertising Platforms Overview

LinkedIn Ads Google Ads Microsoft Ads
Demographics targeting Detailed Basic Basic
Search-based targeting
List upload minimum 300 1000 300
Example formats

Lead generation forms

Document ads

Video ads

Search ads

Banners on Display Network

Youtube ads

Search ads

Multimedia ads

Microsoft audience ads

Free Download: Directors Guide to B2B Paid Advertising

Get an overview of the key paid advertising options on channels like LinkedIn Ads and Google.



  • Overview of campaign options including cost, intent and level of targeting available.
  • Breakdown on key campaign types for B2B.
  • Exploration of why and how you should target your audience with paid ads.
  • Example campaign targeting top-of-the-funnel (TOFU) prospects.

Drive business growth with paid advertising.

* Brightedge 2019 Channel Report: Available here.

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