Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

68% of business purchasing decisions begin with an online search*. Make sure it's your business your audience see first.
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Unlock B2B growth

Why should your business prioritise SEO?

Maximise discoverability and accelerate growth
Increasing your visibility in search engines is a scalable way to drive visits & leads from the right audience year on year. 57% of B2B marketers say SEO generates more leads than any other channel.

Learn what keeps your target audience up at night
Help your audience solve a problem and become a trusted authority in their industry. Keyword research exposes their pain points at different stages of the buying journey.

Brand trust and shorter sales cycles
If your audience only discovers your business whilst comparing other service providers, it's already too late. Build your brand reputation earlier in their journey and front of mind when its time to buy.

My keywords have low or no search volume - is SEO worth it?

What if some of the keywords you identify as highly relevant for your business have very low or no monthly search volume? Whilst you wouldn’t want to miss the opportunity of ranking, is it really worth spending time and resources optimising your website for terms with no data in your marketing tool of choice?

Read our guide to learn why you should shift your mindset when it comes to low (or even no) volume keywords. We also explore in-depth three scenarios where low volume keywords will drive results for your business.

Drive business growth with search engine optimisation.

* Brightedge 2019 Channel Report: Available here.

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